UAFP Advocates for EU-Ukraine Cooperation in Agriculture
The Ukraine Facility Platform (UAFP) continues to champion cooperation over competition between Ukraine and the European Union, particularly in the agricultural sector. This approach aligns with UAFP’s mission to establish an ecosystem uniting key stakeholders and create a level playing field for Ukraine’s EU integration.

At the recent “Partnership for the Future” conference in Brussels on July 4, Dr. Olga Trofimtseva, Head of the Agricultural and Food Security sector at UAFP, presented a compelling case for viewing Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex as a partner rather than a competitor to the EU.
“Instead of perceiving Ukraine’s agro-industrial complex as a competitor, European partners are increasingly inclined towards the idea of cooperation and joint development,” Trofimtseva stated. She emphasized that Ukraine has significant potential to strengthen the EU’s position in global markets, besides that in reducing import dependence and increasing competitiveness.
Dr. Trofimtseva emphasized Ukraine’s significant role in the EU’s agricultural supply chain, particularly as one of key supplier of meals (rapeseeds, soybean, sunflower), crucial protein source for animal feed. *She highlighted that the EU increasingly views Ukraine as a strategic partner for oilseeds and processed products (incl. plant protein). *This aligns with Ukraine’s potential to meet the growing demand for plant-based products in the EU, potentially reducing the bloc’s reliance on imports for protein crops like soybeans. Dr. Trofimtseva stressed that this positioning not only strengthens Ukraine’s agricultural exports but also presents an opportunity for Ukraine to become a significant player in the EU’s efforts to diversify its protein sources and enhance food security.
“The bioeconomy and the approach to the agri-food sector as its integral part are promising for positioning Ukraine as a future EU member in value chains,” Trofimtseva explained. She outlined opportunities in food production and processing, biofuels, bioenergy and bio-based pharmaceuticals as areas where Ukraine’s high-tech and competitive agro-industrial complex could integrate into the European economy.
The UAFP representative stressed the need for long-term systemic investments and the involvement of Ukrainian partners in existing pre-accession fund programs, especially in applied research. This approach aligns with UAFP’s strategy of bringing together experts, industries, civil society groups, and state officials to address hurdles in Ukraine’s path to EU integration.

The conference, organized under Hungary’s EU Council presidency, focused on promoting research and innovation in Central and Eastern European countries within the framework of sustainable natural resource management, food system security, and bioeconomy policy-making.
UAFP’s participation in this event demonstrates its commitment to fostering dialogue and collaboration between Ukraine and the EU. By advocating for cooperation in key sectors like agriculture and bioeconomy, UAFP aims to position Ukraine as a complementary and strengthening force within the European Union, in line with its mission to support Ukraine’s EU accession process.
To further explore the concept of “cooperation over competition,” the UAFP is organizing a round table “Growing Together: Ukraine’s Agricultural Potential in the EU Context” on the 26th of July, in Kyiv.
At this event, Dr. Olga Trofimtseva will provide more detailed insights into the vectors and characteristics of future cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, particularly in the agricultural sector. The round table will be in an invite only format, face-to face meeting in Kyiv’s office of UAFP. Register here: link.
Stay tuned for more updates on the upcoming round table and UAFP’s ongoing efforts to facilitate Ukraine’s path to EU membership.